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      (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov: Exhibitions >>


Festival "Les Allumées", Leningrad Saint-Petersbourg, Nantes 1991

Page 1: Introduction
Page 2: (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov, Collection "2x3m", Hannelore Fobo
Page 3: Matveeva, Zaika, Maslov, Kuznetsov, Bugaev, Enver
Page 4: Necrorealists
Page 5: Exhibition Catalogue
Page 6: Artists and performers

>> Festival "Les Allumées" – Introduction, Programme,
Performances New Composers, Kolibri, Pop-Mekhanika >>

(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov, Collection "2x3m", Hannelore Fobo

Gare de l‘état, Nantes
14.10.1991 to 19.10.1991
Opening 15. 10. 1991

Text: Hannelore Fobo 2019 • Pictures: (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov and Hannelore Fobo 1991

(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov, two works form the cycle Новая Классика / Novaya Klassika / "New Classicals"

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991 Two works by (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov from the cycle "New Classicals". Left: "Love for the Wonderful", right "Love for the Earth", oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990 (each)

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991
Two works by (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov from the cycle "New Classicals". Left: "Love for the Wonderful", right "Love for the Earth", oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990 (each)
More about the "New Classicals cycle >>

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991 (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov "Love for the Wonderful " from the cycle "New Classicals".

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991
(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov "Love for the Wonderful " from the cycle "New Classicals".
More about the "New Classicals cycle >>

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Prior to the opening, 15 October 1991 (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov and Oleg Kotelnikov On the wall: three of Kozlov's works from 1990 Left: fragment of "The Energy and Strength of Men"; centre: "I Love You-ou"; right: fragment of "The Energy and Strength of Women"", oil on canvas, 150 x 100 cm (each)

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Prior to the opening, 15 October 1991
(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov and Oleg Kotelnikov
On the wall: three of Kozlov's works from 1990
Left: fragment of "The Energy and Strength of Men"; centre: "I Love You-ou"; right: fragment of "The Energy and Strength of Women"", oil on canvas, 150 x 100 cm (each)

(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov, The Collection "2x3m":
Elena Bogdanova, Hannelore Fobo, Vladislav Gutsevich, Evgenij Kozlov, Oleg Kotelnikov, Vincent Lego, Aftandil Leladze, Wolfgang Luthe, Vladislav Mamyshev-Monroe, Vyacheslav Mogilevsky, Alexander Nikolaev, Inal Savchenkov, German Pavlov, Igor Smirnov, Ivan Sotnikov, Grigory Strelnikov

Hannelore Fobo: Photo documentation "The Exhbtion on Palace Bridge" (1990), Portraits of Lenignrad Artists (1990/1991)

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991 Two works from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m". Left: Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe "This is not Love. (Dedicated to the German Unification. To Russkoee Polee" Right: German Pavlov "The Eternal Victory", oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990 (each)

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991
Two works from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".
Left: Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe "This is not Love. (Dedicated to the German Unification. To Russkoee Polee"
Right: German Pavlov "The Eternal Victory", oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990 (each)
More about the collection "2x3m >>

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991 Two works from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m". Left: Hannelore Fobo "Zodiac", Right: Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe "This is not Love. (Dedicated to the German Unification. To Russkoee Polee" Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990 (each)

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991
Two works from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".
Left: Hannelore Fobo "Zodiac",
Right: Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe "This is not Love. (Dedicated to the German Unification. To Russkoee Polee"
Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990 (each)
More about the collection "2x3m >>

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991 Evgenij Kozlov and Oleg Kotelnikov Painting: Hannelore Fobo "Zodiac", Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990, from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991
Evgenij Kozlov and Oleg Kotelnikov
Painting: Hannelore Fobo "Zodiac",
Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990, from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".
More about the collection "2x3m >>

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991 Hannelore Fobo standing before Vladislav Gutsevich's painting "Cossack. The Fourth Quarter Moon." Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990, from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991
Hannelore Fobo standing before Vladislav Gutsevich's painting "Cossack. The Fourth Quarter Moon."
Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990, from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".
More about the collection "2x3m >>

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991 (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov, Viktor Kuznetsov, and Oleg Maslov On the wall: works by Hannelore Fobo Left: Photo documentation of the exhibition on Palace Bridge, Leningrad, 1990 Right: "Zodiac", oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990, collection "2x3m"

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991
(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov, Viktor Kuznetsov, and Oleg Maslov
On the wall: works by Hannelore Fobo
Left: Photo documentation of the exhibition on Palace Bridge, Leningrad, 1990
Right: "Zodiac", oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990, collection "2x3m"
See Photo documentation of the exhibition on Palace Bridge, Leningrad, 1990 >>

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991 On the wall: Photo documentation by Hannelore Fobo"The exhibition on Palace Bridge", Leningrad, 1990

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991
On the wall: Photo documentation by Hannelore Fobo"The exhibition on Palace Bridge", Leningrad, 1990
See Photo documentation of the exhibition on Palace Bridge, Leningrad, 1990 >>

Exhibition text:

Dans la nuit du 22 au 23 juillet 1990, une des expositions les plus remarquables de l'art soviétique eut lieu sur le Pont du Palais au cœur du paysage grandiose de Saint-Pétersbourg: l'Amirauté, le Palais d'Hiver, la Forteresse Pierre-et-Paul, le Cabinet de l'Art. D'une envergure monumentale, cette opération d'une heure et demie parfaitement synchronisée garda cependant un caractère intime. Seul le cercle étroit de la scène culturelle léningradoise était présent, en plus de quelques promeneurs nocturnes.

Les ponts de Leningrad sur la Neva sont munis d'un système élévateur permettant aux bateaux d ' avoir accès à la Mer Baltique. L'ouverture et la fermeture des ponts se répètent toutes les nuits durant les mois où la Neva est navigable, avec une précision étonnante.

L'artiste Ivan Movsesian eut l'idée d'utiliser la partie du Pont du Palais qui s'ouvre face au Palais d'Hiver comme support d'œuvres de dimensions exceptionnelles. Pour ce projet, (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov prêta sa collection « 2 x 3m » d'œuvres d'artistes léningradois, ainsi que cinq peintures de son cycle « Novaya Klassika » (La Nouvelle Classique). D'autres artistes exposèrent également.

Quinze minutes avant l'ouverture du pont, c'est-à-dire à 0 h 45 dans la nuit du 22 au 23 juillet 1990, la police bloqua la circulation pour les automobilistes. Tout de suite, les artistes commencèrent à dérouler les toiles sur l'asphalte sans perdre une seconde, et à les accrocher sur le pont.

Douze minutes plus tard, l'accrochage était réalisé. Des camions des studios de Lenfilm éclairèrent de leurs phares les œuvres qui émergèrent peu à peu de la nuit. Les tableaux apparurent étonnamment petits sur l'asphalte. La performance dura une heure. À deux heures quinze, la circulation reprit son cours normal.

Hannelore Fobo, 1991

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991. E. Kozlov filming with his Bauer video-camera. Two works from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m". Left: Elena Bogdanova (Nika) "Sunspot", Right: Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe "“Self poisoned? No, been hunted!!!" Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990 (each)

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991. E. Kozlov filming with his Bauer video-camera.
Two works from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".
Left: Elena Bogdanova (Nika) "Sunspot",
Right: Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe "“Self poisoned? No, been hunted!!!"
Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990 (each)
More about Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe painting >>

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991. Two works from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m". Left: Elena Bogdanova (Nika) "Sunspot" Right: Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe "“Self poisoned? No, been hunted!!!" Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990 (each)

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991.
Two works from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".
Left: Elena Bogdanova (Nika) "Sunspot"
Right: Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe "“Self poisoned? No, been hunted!!!"
Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990 (each)
More about Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe painting >>

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991 Evgenij Kozlov and Oleg Kotelnikov Painting: Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe "Self poisoned? No, been hunted!!!" Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990, from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991
Evgenij Kozlov and Oleg Kotelnikov
Painting: Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe "Self poisoned? No, been hunted!!!"
Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990, from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".
More about Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe painting >>

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991 Central part of Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe painting “Self poisoned? No, been hunted!!!" Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990, from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991
Central part of Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe painting “Self poisoned? No, been hunted!!!"
Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990, from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".
More about Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe painting >>

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." On the left wall: Vycheslav Mogilevsky "heaven", Ivan Sotnikov "Mona Lisa‘s Smile", Elena Bogdanova (Nika) "Sunspot" On the rear wall: Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe “Self poisoned? No, been hunted!!!" All works from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m", oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990 (each)

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground."
On the left wall: Vycheslav Mogilevsky "heaven", Ivan Sotnikov "Mona Lisa‘s Smile", Elena Bogdanova (Nika) "Sunspot"
On the rear wall: Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe “Self poisoned? No, been hunted!!!"
All works from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m", oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990 (each)
More about the collection "2x3m >>
More about Vladislav Mamychev-Monroe painting >>

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Prior to the opening Two works from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m". Left: Ivan Sotnikov "Christmas Smile"; Right: Oleg Kotelnikov "Still-Life at +90˚" Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990 (each)

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Prior to the opening
Two works from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".
Left: Ivan Sotnikov "Christmas Smile"; Right: Oleg Kotelnikov "Still-Life at +90˚"
Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990 (each)
More about the collection "2x3m >>

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991 Unknown. Painting: Vyacheslav Mogilevsky "Heaven" Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990, from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991
Painting: Vyacheslav Mogilevsky "Heaven"
Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990, from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".
More about the collection "2x3m >>

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Prior to the opening, 15 October 1991 Two works by Aftandil Leladze Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990 (each), from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Prior to the opening, 15 October 1991
Two works by Aftandil Leladze
Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990 (each), from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".
More about the collection "2x3m >>

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991 In the background: Igor Smirnov (Sten) "Little Red Flower". Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990, from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991
In the background: Igor Smirnov (Sten) "Little Red Flower".
Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990, from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".
More about the collection "2x3m >>

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Vincent Legos "The Stove at the Boy Club" Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990, from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground."
Vincent Legos "The Stove at the Boy Club"
Oil on canvas, 2x3m, 1990, from (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's collection "2x3m".
More about the collection "2x3m >>

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991 Hannelore Fobo in the room displaying her pictures on the Leningrad art-scene (1990/1991). Left: Art House on Fontanka 145, Leningrad; right: Portrait of (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991
Hannelore Fobo in the room displaying her pictures on the Leningrad art-scene (1990/1991).
Left: Art House on Fontanka 145, Leningrad; right: Portrait of (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991 Hannelore Fobo "Portrait of Inal Savchenkov".

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991
Hannelore Fobo "Portrait of Inal Savchenkov".

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991 On the wall: (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's painting "The Great Le-ye-nin" oil on canvas, 3x2m, 1990

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991
On the wall: (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's painting "The Great Le-ye-nin" oil on canvas, 3x2m, 1990
More about the collection "2x3m >>

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991 Fragment of (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's painting "The Great Le-ye-nin", oil on canvas, 3x2m, 1990

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." Opening, 15 October 1991
Fragment of (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's painting "The Great Le-ye-nin", oil on canvas, 3x2m, 1990
More about the collection "2x3m >>

 Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991 "Nevski Prospekt Underground." After the opening, 15 October 1991 (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov standing at the entrance door to the gare de l'état, the exhibition venue, On the wall: Kozlov's painting "The Great Le-ye-nin" oil on canvas, 3x2m, 1990

Les Allumées – Nantes/Saint Petersburg, 1991
"Nevski Prospekt Underground." After the opening, 15 October 1991
(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov standing at the entrance door to the gare de l'état, the exhibition venue,
On the wall: Kozlov's painting "The Great Le-ye-nin" oil on canvas, 3x2m, 1990
More about the collection "2x3m >>

Page 1: Introduction
Page 2: (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov, Collection "2x3m", Hannelore Fobo
Page 3: Matveeva, Zaika, Maslov, Kuznetsov, Bugaev, Enver
Page 4: Necrorealists
Page 5: Exhibition Catalogue
Page 6: Artists and performers

>> Festival "Les Allumées" – Introduction, Programme,
Performances New Composers, Kolibri, Pop-Mekhanika >>

Uploaded 12 December 2019
Last updated 15 July 2020